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Sunday, September 28, 2014

La Vie Parisienne in Ayala Cebu

Hi blogsters! I don't want to end the month of September without writing here in my online diary. This time, I want to blog about La Vie Parisienne in Ayala Cebu. This is like an extension on the La Vie Parisienne in Lahug, Cebu City. Actually, I haven't gone there yet and going to this place was not part of my plan. I was supposedly will be meeting my college bestfriends in Ayala Mall. I haven't met them since graduation. 

We were just strolling in the mall until we reached here. I'm really sure which part of the mall this is located. I don't really always go to Ayala. We have planned to try this place because I have been looking forward to visit La Vie Parisienne. I always passby the one in Lahug everytime when I go to work. 

So we tried this place and checked what's in it for me and my friends. One of my friends is really good with French Language. I asked her to order the foods for us since she know how to pronounce them. i tried their crossiants and my friends tried some cakes. 

I forgot the exact prices of these foods but it ranges between 50 - 100 pesos. 

The picture above is the one that my friend Ajoy ordered. 

The picture above is the one ordered by my friend Nicole. 

We sat down on one of the tall chairs. It is very lovely especially at night. You will see the highway outside of the mall and the city lights. We talked and and talked until we were full. 

I will not leave this place without having a photo opportunity. The place is so nice and as well as the food. I will definitely go back here with my boyfriend or my parents. Definitely. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Story of My Undispensed Cash

So it was Payday. At last I will enjoy my hard-earned money. I decided to withdraw money for 2 reasons. First, so that I can have it transferred to my savings account. Second, I don't have money left for my expenses. The ATM withdrawal happened during my lunch break last August 01, 2014 in JY Square, Lahug Cebu City using BDO's ATM since my payroll will be them. I was planning to withdraw P10,000.00. I made sure that money is already there by making a "Balance Inquiry". I actually brought my colleague with me. While she was waiting behind me, I told her that no money came out from the ATM machine. She advised me to do it again. One thing I have noticed from the very first time I tried to do it was i got an error message from the screen but it just happened I forgot the exact error message. 

I let it go. I don't want to waste my time on this and just went back to the office. I ate my lunch.. That was by the way exactly 12 AM since I work night shift. 

So I got off from work. I have then decided to try to withdraw again but from a different BDO ATM in Metro Gaisano, Colon, Cebu City. I did not bother to check the balance. I just went ahead and placed the same amount that I want to withdraw. Nothing came out still. I got worried and literally nervous that my heart was beating so fast. I can't even press the keys in the ATM. I then tried to check balance to see what's happening. My eyes can't believe what I saw. The amount that I have been trying to withdraw is not there anymore. I didn't know what to do. But I just can't stare at the ATM machine since there's already queue and decided to go home knowing that I still have an hour or more to reach my home. 

While riding a jeepney, I immediately texted my mom and boyfriend about the incident. I prayed to God that I would still be able to get it back. 

After almost an hour I was finally home. I did not know what to do. My mom advised me to go to the nearest BDO branch nearest to my area which is BDO Gaisano Minglanilla. I had to wait for them to open first since I arrived home 8 AM. But I was hesitant to go there because they might just ignore me. 

What I did was I called BDO Customer Support using our PLDT landline. I got lucky because it was answered very quickly. The customer presentative name was Romel I think. I informed him the reason I called. He was apologetic. He was nice, actually. He then educated me that they will have to investigate it for a maximum of 5 business days. My initial reaction was very surprised. I want to appeal to it since I really did not get the money. And I really need it. However, there is really nothing that I can do but to wait. I understand especially that I am also a customer representative myself. He gave me a CASE ID in reference to the report that he will be making. 

I waited. On the first business day which is also my first day of work I tried to check the balance using the BDO mobile app. It is still not there. I want to check it day after day because who know they will credit the money anytime soon without having me to wait until the 5th business day. 

I checked my ATM card on the 2nd business day. I was felt with gladness because at last when i checked the balance the money is already there. I didn't waiste my time. I then withdraw the money so I can use it. 

Lastly, I got a text regarding the money! Thank you BDO! That was an experience I will never forget! You really find WAYS! I am just hoping that things will be better with all ATM machines to avoid this from happening ever again. I was actually plannning to open a Savings Account before this happened but now I am having second thoughts. Anyways, the most important thing is I got my moolah back!

Monday, July 21, 2014

First Time Traveller: Visiting The Philippine General Consulate in Hong Kong [2012]

Part of our tour in Hong Kong is to visit The Philippine General Consulate in Hong Kong. Right after we arrived and ate, we then headed to our next itinerary. Thanks to our Dean and to Josenian Junior Diplomats who came up with this idea.

So I assumed that the office is located in United Centre. We took an elevator to get to their office. 


We had a seminar which covered generally about Hong Kong, OFWs in Hong Kong and the officers' role in Hong Kong in helping out OFWs. Right after the seminar, we then had an open seminar wherein we asked questions to them. I didn't ask because I was amazed of the people who works here in Philippine General Consulate in Hong Kong. They play a big role when it comes to the bilateral relationship between Philippines and Hong Kong amidst every crisis we may face. 

After the seminar, we had a tour in the different government offices here. 

Filipinos lining up processing something

Information posted available to all

SSS Hong Kong Office

pinoys are busy with what they are doing. 

That person who points into something was the one who gave us a tour. 

Office of the Labor Attache

Office where you can see at the back the other buildings

Poster for It is More Fun In the Philippines for DOT


consular fees in Hong Kong dollars
 It was a good thing that I took a photo of the consular fees because one of my classmates lost her passport when they arrived in Hong Kong. While waiting for my other classmates to arrive, they waited in the airport since they are the first to arrive. This was helpful in order for her to know the fees. That was really unfortunate of her. Thus, it is really important that we keep our travel documents safe because anything can happen.

Thank you for Welcoming us here in United Centre!

The start of the seminar. 

Dr. Jose P. Rizal sculpture

the leaflet

This is one of the experience that I will never forget. The officers in Philippine General Consulate in Hong Kong are my inspirations if I will pursue my career as an International Studies student.

First Time Traveller: Hong Kong International Airport [2012]

For the time time, I will be given the chance to travel. This is something I did not expect in my whole life. I will definitely not forget this experience because we will never know this will be the first and the last. Part of my course when I was in college was to have a tour. I studied Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in University of San Jose - Recoletos in Cebu City, Philippines. 

I was on my last year 1st semester that our club has decided to plan an international tour for the first time in our organization and it will be in Hong Kong. I informed my father about this who is the one who is supporting me with my studies. Luckily, he said it is okay for me to travel. Good thing, I was able to get a passport when I had my on-the-job training in Department of Foreign Affairs in Cebu. 

I just would like to share first my amazing experience with the FIRST International Airport I had been to.

We were given an immigration card while flying with Cebu Pacific to Hong Kong! The stewardess who handed it to us said we need to fill it out.

There are a lot of things that made me amazed here in Hong Kong International Aiport. One is the walkaltor. This is AWESOME! This is my first time to ride a walkalator. I was really amazed. 

Second thing that made me amazed is the TRAIN. I am sure you all guys find me weird but excuse my ignorance. 

Some signage so that we will not get lost especially to me. I am also amazed with some of my classmates because they have been travelling before this. They must really be damn rich. But you don't really have to be rich to be able to travel. Just need to plan things. 

Ridin' the train (and this is my first time ever).

I want to take the opportunity to also take a shot of the floor of the airport. Everything is perfect!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Red Ribbon's Black Forest Cake

Last month of June was my birthday. I didn't really have a very extravagant celebration. For a person like me, being with the people I love is enough. I celebrated it in the simplest way.

I have already planned what to do in my birthday. Since that day I supposedly need to report to work, I filed a vacation leave. I went to Redemptorist Church in Cebu City together with my mother and boyfriend. We lighted candles and offered prayers to God. Then right after thar we went home.

I was really suprised because my mom brought me a Red Ribbon cake with a candle on it.

That was really very sweet of her. As sweet as this Red Ribbon Black Forest cake. It tasted like heaven. When I opened the box, I don't want to eat it because it looks so beautiful.

I can't ask for more with all the blessings that I have received in my existence.

Actually, I was really planning to buy this cake. It was endored by the most famous family in the Philippines who is The Kramer Family. And I have also heard a lot of good reviews about this cake in the internet. Yes, it never failed me. Black Forest cake from Red Ribbon is simply the best. I will definitely buy another one fr them soon.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, June 22, 2014

First Time to Make Coconut Macaroons

Since this would be my first time to make coconut macaroons, I have asked for help from my Auntie to make it. Everytime she has occasions, I always see from her table coconut macaroons which are really very yummy. I am even drooling now literally as I write this post. She volunteered to buy the recipes needed since I don't know and get the things needed since I also don't have them. I just gave her money so that she can buy to the grocery store.


The recipes needed where dessicated coconut, sugar, eggs, raisins, condensed milk & etc. I know we have our own versions of this so this is ours.

My auntie borrowed materials that we need from a relative of her who is also fond of making coconut macaroons. The things she brough are toaster and small metal cups.As you can see, we all lovem macaroons.

Anyways, I helped her prepare all the materials especially in mixing the ingredients & putting the mixed material in the toaster. She was the one who is in charge id the coconut macaroons is already baked.

I am so happy to achieved this! I am hoping I can do this again alone without the help of others.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Struggles of Having Skin Allergy & My Remedies

March 2014, when I noticed my skin having red patches. It isn't just red patches at all but along with it is that itchiness I felt and it really spreads all over my body. I didn't mind it at all at first. I asked my colleague about it and she recommended me an over-the-counter drug which I bought right after my shift. I bought I guess 5 quantities of the drug and it is called anti-histamine. That was my first time hearing the word so I assumed that it was because of my histamines. But don't worry because I already did a little reasearch about it. But to tell you honestly, until now the cause is still UNKNOWN.

My main purpose of writing this experience of mine is to share it with you guys because there might be some of you who are experiencing this as well.  Below is a sample picture of my skin allergy breakout. It attacks when I am already at home from work. I work night shift BTW. 

As I have mentioned, my first remedy for this skin allergy is an over-the-counter anti-histamine drug. I have spent quite big money since it is really kinda expensive. I didn't think of going to a doctor yet. I didn't consider going to a doctor yet because it thought I it just a minor issue. Until such time that it keeps coming back day after day and I have been so dependent already the drug everytime ai have breakout. It really sucks especially it goes to my face. I also find it hard to breath. I heard cases like these already from people I know but they are already okay. Weeks passed by, I just can't ignore it anymore. 

I have another colleague who had skin allergy. She was sent home and was advised to see a dermatologist. I asked her about it and she said that the dermatologist advised to her to put a calamine lotion to the areas with hives on it to relieve the itchiness. So I asked her again where I could buy it and she recommended to me she bought one in Watsons. 

The cost of this Calamine Lotion I bought is less than P50.00 pesos. I use it as an alternative with the anti-histamine drug. 

It helped but not that much because as time passes by, my skin allergy has became chronic. this is the very moment I have decided to see a specialist to the nearest hospital in my place. 

The doctor asked me allergy-related questions. Base from his questions, it has nothing to do with the food I eat. I also told the doctor this is the first time I experienced this problem. We are not sure yet if it is  because of my work environment or if I am allergic with drugs etc. 

He advised me to not take anti-histamines anymore because I am supposed to undergo a Skin allergy Test after I week I comsulted with him. He gave me some Skin Allergy Tips and a cream as well. I didn't pay for the consultation fee because I am covered Intellicare.

Miracolously, after 2 weeks from the day I consulted with the doctor, my skin allergy didn't come back anymore. I am really thankful to God that I don't have to suffer this skin allergy anymore. 

Kojie San Cleanser + Toner

Initially, the reason I bought this product is that it is because it is 2 in 1 wherein it is a cleanser and at the same time a toner. I have been using this for two months now and it really helps removing dirts in my skin and keeping it fresh & soft. I do my buying in Watsons for my beauty products. 

I like the how the product is presented. It is color pale blue so it is not painful if you look at it. The product doesn't ran out right away. I use it everyday but I only ran out of this like after a month from buying it. So you can really say you have saved both time and money. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

I have heard about this product I think last year through a celebrity I am following in instagram. I became curious until then what this product has to offer. So I did some research in the internet about this and I read a lot of reviews coming from my fellow bloggers. I finally decided I must give it a try.

I bought this product in Watsons. This is just actually a 60mL for only P109.00 which is kinda expensive but we will see. I used my SM Advantage card but it is not really mine though (it's mom's) so I will earn points in purchasing it. 

I want to see what's in it for me espcially now that I am having a skin allergy. (I will post about it.) I am still on my day 2 from the day I used it so I can't tell yet the difference. Until now, I am still using the cosmo soap as my body regimen and along with that I also use Johnson's Baby Milk bath.  

"This gentle, soap-free cleanser was originally formulated for dermatologists, specifically for everyday cleansing of even the most sensitive skin. 

- Soothing, non-irritating cleanser ideal for face hands and body. 
- Helps skin retain needed moisture
- Rinses easily and leaves skin feeling soft, smooth and healthy
- Mild enough to cleanse a baby's delicate skin"

As per directions, you can use it with or without water. Amazing right? Or it is just me that first heard about this ever. HAHAHA. 

For use without water: Apply a liberal amount of cleanser to the skin and rub gently. Remove excess with a soft cloth, leaving a thin film in the skin. 
For use with water: Apply cleanser to the skin and rub gently. Rinse. 

At the back of the label you will see what will get from using this product. 

I am really looking forward to see the effect it will bring me. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

How I Do It: Mouthsore Treatment

Getting mouthsore has been part of my life. Ever since I was young I get like small and big sizes of mouthsore and even anywhere in my mouth. There are a lot of reasons why it appears. My mom would tell me it is because I don't brush my teeth three times a day. Well, I admit I really don't brush my teeth that often. I am so lazy doing it. I also get mouthsore when I chew and my gums will be touched all of a sudden. Until now, I would still get mouthsore. 

I don't care about it before. I just wait for it be healed as time passes by like a week depending on the size of the mouthsore. However, during that time I can't eat poperly and even brushing my teeth. It also gives me low self-esteem. While waiting, it's really painful. You are really going to suffer. there's a reason why I would rather wait. It's because the I don't want to use the mouth sore solution because it is really painful. I use a certain mouthsore solution that is available in some of our drugstores here in my area. 

The instructions written is to "Wet a piece of cotton apply the affected area and let it stay for 20 seconds, then gargle it with water." That 20 seconds I could say the worst part of my life. My mom would force me to use this solution to heal it because it is really effective. It is also not that expensive. 

Even though that it is painful when applied, I chose to use it now because it really helps my suffering. I just need to be brave everytime I use it. After the application though, you can really feel change. The wound heals. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The New 10 Peso Coin

In the Philippines before, we don't have a P10.00 coin. There are just the one peso and five peso Long with the cents. Until a new 10 peso coin was introduced. That was years back. Now, there's this new face of 10 peso coin. It has the same size with the old 10 one but the design is new. I noticed this when my boyfriend bought a food from a vendor and the change is this. This really amazed me. I am not sure when it was circulated but maybe for sometime now.


If we try to differentiate the old 10 peso coin and the new one, in the old coin we could see two Philippine Heroes who are Apolinario Mabini and Andres Bonifacio. In the new coin, there is only Andres Bonifacio on it. At the back of the new coin you will see the quote "Dangal at Kabayanihan" wherein you will also see the signature if Andres Bonifacio. 


Check out the pictures I took for these 10 Philippine peso coin. The new one is still shiny.