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Monday, July 21, 2014

First Time Traveller: Hong Kong International Airport [2012]

For the time time, I will be given the chance to travel. This is something I did not expect in my whole life. I will definitely not forget this experience because we will never know this will be the first and the last. Part of my course when I was in college was to have a tour. I studied Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in University of San Jose - Recoletos in Cebu City, Philippines. 

I was on my last year 1st semester that our club has decided to plan an international tour for the first time in our organization and it will be in Hong Kong. I informed my father about this who is the one who is supporting me with my studies. Luckily, he said it is okay for me to travel. Good thing, I was able to get a passport when I had my on-the-job training in Department of Foreign Affairs in Cebu. 

I just would like to share first my amazing experience with the FIRST International Airport I had been to.

We were given an immigration card while flying with Cebu Pacific to Hong Kong! The stewardess who handed it to us said we need to fill it out.

There are a lot of things that made me amazed here in Hong Kong International Aiport. One is the walkaltor. This is AWESOME! This is my first time to ride a walkalator. I was really amazed. 

Second thing that made me amazed is the TRAIN. I am sure you all guys find me weird but excuse my ignorance. 

Some signage so that we will not get lost especially to me. I am also amazed with some of my classmates because they have been travelling before this. They must really be damn rich. But you don't really have to be rich to be able to travel. Just need to plan things. 

Ridin' the train (and this is my first time ever).

I want to take the opportunity to also take a shot of the floor of the airport. Everything is perfect!

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