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Monday, May 26, 2014

How I Do It: Mouthsore Treatment

Getting mouthsore has been part of my life. Ever since I was young I get like small and big sizes of mouthsore and even anywhere in my mouth. There are a lot of reasons why it appears. My mom would tell me it is because I don't brush my teeth three times a day. Well, I admit I really don't brush my teeth that often. I am so lazy doing it. I also get mouthsore when I chew and my gums will be touched all of a sudden. Until now, I would still get mouthsore. 

I don't care about it before. I just wait for it be healed as time passes by like a week depending on the size of the mouthsore. However, during that time I can't eat poperly and even brushing my teeth. It also gives me low self-esteem. While waiting, it's really painful. You are really going to suffer. there's a reason why I would rather wait. It's because the I don't want to use the mouth sore solution because it is really painful. I use a certain mouthsore solution that is available in some of our drugstores here in my area. 

The instructions written is to "Wet a piece of cotton apply the affected area and let it stay for 20 seconds, then gargle it with water." That 20 seconds I could say the worst part of my life. My mom would force me to use this solution to heal it because it is really effective. It is also not that expensive. 

Even though that it is painful when applied, I chose to use it now because it really helps my suffering. I just need to be brave everytime I use it. After the application though, you can really feel change. The wound heals.